How Chipmunk Got His Stripes (Picture Puffin Books)" Little Brown Squirrel elects to challenge him: "Can you tell the sun not to rise tomorrow morning." Bear accepts the challenge. As the sun sets, he issues his command and the two settle down to see what morning will bring. As the night progresses, the braggart continues to boast, and Squirrel cannot resist teasing. When the sun predictably rises in the morning, Bear is disgruntled and angry, and his taunter foolishly continues to tease. When Bear threatens to eat the little creature, Squirrel makes a desperate dash for his burrow. He is able to escape, but not before Bear has raked his back with his sharp claws. Although the scratches heal, they leave Squirrel with long, pale stripes on his back. He is now Chipmunk, the Striped One. In their introductory authors' notes, the Bruchacs indicate that the story is an amalgam of tales they have heard from Cherokee, Abenaki, and Mohawk sources, and has further been fleshed out through their own telling over the years. The result is polished, cohesive, and energetic. While the story begs to be told, Aruego and Dewey's vibrantly hued trademark watercolours add significantly to the humour. A priority purchase for most collections.-Grace Oliff, Ann Blanche Smith School, Hillsdale, NJCopyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.Dimensions: 20.32 x 0.25 x 25.4 centimetres (0.1 kg)"リトルブラウンリスは彼に挑戦することを選んだ:"あなたは明日の朝に起きないように太陽を教えてくれますか? "ベアは挑戦を受け入れる太陽が沈むと、彼は命令を出し、2人は落ち着いて朝がどうなるかを見極める。
彼は現在、Chipmunk、Striped One Bruchacsは彼らの入門書の中で、チェロキー、アベナキ、モホークの情報源から聞いた物語のアマルガムであり、さらに何年もの間自分自身で解説されていることを示している。
ほとんどのコレクションの優先購入 - グレース・オルフ、アン・ブランシュ・スミス・スクール、ヒルズデール、ニュージャージー Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information、Inc. - このテキストは、絶版本またはこのタイトルには設定されていない版型に関連付けられています。
寸法:20.32 x 0.25 x 25.4センチメートル(0.1 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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