Voice Over!: Seiyu Academy, Vol. 11 (Voice Over!: Seiyu Academy)【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Voice Over!: Seiyu Academy, Vol. 11 (Voice Over!: Seiyu Academy)Hime Kino's dream is to one day do voice acting like her hero Sakura Aoyama from the Lovely ♥ Blazers anime, and getting accepted to the prestigious Holly Academy's voice actor department is the first step in the right direction! But Hime's gruff voice has earned her the scorn of teachers and students alike. Hime will not let that stand unchallenged. She'll show everyone that she is too a voice acting princess, whether they like it or not!! Hime finally got the hang of her character on Cruel Octalia, and the fans really took notice! But now people are complaining that they've never seen Shiro. Hime feels ready for her alter ego to go public, but is she ready for the big reveal her producer has planned...live on stage with AQUA?!Dimensions: 18.8 x 12.7 x 1.52 centimetres (0.16 kg)ヒメキノの夢は、ある日、愛らしい♥ブレイザーズのアニメから主人公の青山さくらのように声を発し、権威あるホリーアカデミーの声優部門に受け入れられることは、正しい方向への第一歩です!しかし、ヒメの荒れ狂う声は、教師と学生の侮辱を似ている。
寸法:18.8 x 12.7 x 1.52センチメートル(0.16 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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